With just over 2.5 weeks to go before Atlanta Pagan Pride Day, there are still a lot of people who do not know about Atlanta Pagan Pride. So Atlanta, we need your help to spread the word to those you know, and those that they know, so no Pagan folks feel left out or unrepresented!!! You can help by sharing posts, or by printing a few flyers and taking them to your local book stores, coffee houses, dorm commons, grocery stores, or other hang out spots. We have several choices so pick your favorite poster, print it out, and spread the word. Invite your friends to our event, encourage them to bring cans for the food drive


What we have so far:

We have some great entertainment – Arthur Hinds and Spiral Rhythm

8 workshops and one Reading by the Author

A Harvest Ritual

Over 40 Vendors and Informational Booths

A Food Drive to Share the Harvest

Lots of opportunities to meet new folks

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Here is just a brief teaser list of the classes we will be offering at 2015 Atlanta Pagan Pride.

  • Advice for the Seekers
  • Meet the Wild Hunt Informational and Q & A Session
  • The Healer’s Choice, a reading by the author
  • What is Thelema and Who is the OTO?
  • ADF Druidry
  • Wands
  • Introduction to Sigil Magic
  • How to Create and Use a Mini Travel Altar – A Make It, Take It Workshop

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Hello All,

I am happy to announce the date for Atlanta Pagan Pride Day 2015.  This year’s event will take place on October 24, 2015, outdoors and inside at the Atlanta Friends Meeting.

This date is a little later this year than in past years in an effort to meet with the needs of many of our community who expressed challenges with attending an event on the first weekend of the month and in early October in particular.

For details about the event, we will be rolling out information as it becomes available to:

our website:
our Facebook Page:
our updates blog:
our Twitter Feed:

Please stay tuned for information on Performers, Classes, Presenters, and vending information.

We hope to see you on October 24, 2015!

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Before we get to numbers and details of the end of event reports to add our numbers and stats to the Pagan Pride Projects yearly report, I want to put out a huge thanks!

Thank you to everyone who came to Atlanta PPD and contributed positive energy to the day!

Big thanks to those who have been working through the year, Lady Mehurt and EmeraldDawn. Thank you for all your hard work!!!!!! These folks work with me through the year to take care of everything from bouncing ideas and balancing the books to taking out the trash. Could not do it without them.

Also, big, big thanks to a couple of super trooper event day volunteers who stepped up to the plate at the Autumnfest PPD meeting. I am not sure you knew what you were signing up for but I am very, very thankful that you did. When I arrived at 6:30 AM, Lee Willy was out by himself with a lantern, tape measure and chalk, plotting the parking lot out according to areal maps that he had 3-D imaged. After that he stayed for the day manning the front table, greeting folks and helping us get a headcount. Second person to arrive was Crystal who helped with everything from teaching a class, arranging the inside vendors, keeping us on schedule, working the raffles, and then taking it all down in the evening. She really, really pitched in and helped to keep things going. I can’t explain how many large and small things these folks did to keep things running smoothly but I am truly grateful for all they did.

Thank you to our Sponsors! Ravenwood Tradition, Oracle 20/20, and the Unicorn Tradition.

Thank you to the class presenters, Lady Maia or Ravenwood, Crystal of Inner Goddess Belly Dance, Michelle of Ocean Oracle, thank you to Ōraḥ Qaḏəmōnī, and thank you to the Grove of the Red Earth for filling in for a presenter who could not make it at the last minute!

Thank you to Melanie and crew for a wonderful harvest ritual!

Thank you to our performers Arthur Hinds, Kira Dancing & V, and the Sensua Players. All of you guys were a huge help with filling the day with energy and the festive spirit.

Thank you to all of our helpful volunteers, including the folks from Dove and Serpent OTO who helped to get the place cleared out in the morning, Ravenwood Tradition who stayed and worked until everything was put back in place in the evening, Susan for helping to keep the front table running, Maria who I just handed some papers to and she went to work, Alyssa and Ryan, Donna and Haven, and of course Nee for keeping the café running along with many other tasks.

And for those of you who have already volunteered to help for next year, I was not so tired that I don’t remember who you are.   <);-) Here is looking forward to 2015!


Lady Arden

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I am happy to present the “working,” schedule of events.

Arthur will be performing at 3PM but will be present through the day, at his booth in the Greeting area, for conversations and browsing of the new CDs.  A few of the Sensua Drummers will be leading up to ritual and then participating in the ritual, lead by Melanie McElroy, and then their main performance will be after ritual.  Kira Dancing and V will be doing demonstrations and performances at three times throughout the day.  Classes will be taking place all day.  Come early and stay all day for the fun and festivities!

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Important Information from the Parking Fairy:

MARTA is best!

We do have available to us the Thankful Baptist Church’s parking lot, which is directly across the train tracks from the event located at 830 College Avenue. All vendors MUST park there after unloading their goods. We ask that unless you have a physical restriction to please park in this lot.

There is curbside parking on W. Howard Ave. ONLY on the side of the Atlanta Friends Meeting Hall NOT on the opposite side of the street. If you do you will be towed.

If parking on any side streets make sure you are not blocking driveways, fire hydrants, intersections…again you will be towed.

There will be handicap parking available at the Atlanta Friends Meeting Hall parking lot as well as some extra parking for festival attendees. The first entrance, next to the meeting hall, will be blocked so you will have to go to the next entrance down.

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Event interest forms are up and active.


We are a free event to the public and so we rely on volunteers to keep things running.  We have a special need for early risers who would like to help with set up and for those who are willing to stay until the last corner is swept and the chairs are all positioned correctly.  We also have need for folks to help flag arriving cars of attendees away from the vendors and toward parking options. We will be having a couple of short work sessions leading up to the event to get things ready and to get volunteer positions planned out. Would you like to volunteer?


Class Teachers:

We are primarily an educational event.  Many people come to learn about traditions, paths, faiths, and practices. If you would like to offer a class, activity, or discussion, please let us know.


Informational Booths and Vendors:

If you are interested in a Booth, table, or reading space, please follow the think to let us know of your interest.


Thank You and Blessings,

Lady Arden

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Hello all,

Plans are underway for the 2014 Atlanta Pagan Pride Day event and we are looking forward to another great year.

Recently something came up that caused us to look at moving our event date to Saturday, October 25, 2014(From the 4th).  Initial response was very positive from some who were not going to be able to attend on the 4th.  So, I wanted to see if it would be better for the majority if we went forward with moving to the 25th or if folks would prefer to keep it on the 4th.

I will only be leaving this up for a few days, so that everyone can move forward with their plans, so please spread the word and respond quickly.  Thank you!!!


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Hello All,

I am so excited that Atlanta Pagan Pride Day is here!!!  Make sure to make it to the greeting table, by the front door, so you can be included in our count.

Remember to bring your cans of food for the Atlanta Community Food Bank.  This is so very important.  I work with many people who struggle with getting enough food for themselves and their families.  This is a real problem in Georgia.  Let’s do our part by sharing the harvest!

Pink -Out – Show your support for the Breast cancer 2 day walk by cheering for walkers as they travel past Atlanta Pagan Pride.  Bring a sign of support or a pom pom if you wish!

We have worked hard to maximize our parking:

Parking is available on the street in front of the meeting house, (marked locations only) or in regular legal street spaces in the neighborhood. Handicap spaces and limited regular parking are available in the lot. Also, we have received permission to park in the vacant lot beside the Baptist Church across the tracks from the meeting house.  This is a great and close parking option.

I look forward to seeing you!


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Hello folks,

Many have asked what they can do to help. So, here is the rundown:

We are happy to have a few volunteers through the day but our greatest need is for set up time (6:15 or so for the very early risers or 7:00 AM for the general set up time and 5-7 PM for take down time). We need to clear the inside so that we can let the vendors set up. Also, we need assistance unloading the PPD items from our cars and setting up the area with signs, etc.

If you are interested in assisting please let our volunteer coordinator, Mehurt, know. Please include a contact cell number as well as special talents and abilities (such as able to assist in moving bulky items)

Also, the more groups of friends can carpool or shuttle each other from Decatur Square parking or MARTA the better. We are not able to provide shuttling due to agreements with our corporation, but that does not stop friends from offering each other rides 🙂

Specialty requests:
If there is anyone who is experienced, available and willing to volunteer to work with sound, (working the sound board for a performer or two) .

If there is anyone available with a tape measure who is able to take some parking lot measurements and pictures for me very soon (before Sunday) please let me know and I will get you the details of what we need.

I have a small possible need for some assistance with some small tasks, most of which can be completed online and e-mailed.

Items needed:
Looking to borrow some orange cones (parking type) and possibly a sawhorse or two or an A-frame sign or two (which are outdoor safe).

Donation of construction paper and glue, and glitter for some children’s crafts.

Email Mehurt at:

Lady Arden

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