Atlanta PPD 2017 Schedule & Reminders

We are quickly approaching our event, and we are looking forward to a wonderful day!  The weather looks like it is going to be beautiful and we have a schedule filled with fantastic folks who are prepared to provide entertainment, teach classes, lead discussions, host activities, and offer a harvest ritual. We also have a full offering of vendors and informational tables both in the front lot and inside of the building, and we have an inside room dedicated to Divination and Reader Tables.

A few important things to remember:

*Please remember your cans – one of our main goals of the day is collect food for the Atlanta food bank.  Admission is free but if you are able, bring what you can to donate to the food bank.

*Pets – Please leave your pets at home

*Parking – Please park across the tracks at the Thankful Baptist Church if you are at all able.  It is about a one block walk to the event from the parking (Make sure to walk safely and remember to cross at crosswalks (Trains do use the tracks).  Do not attempt to pull into the lot, we will have booths blocking the lot.  Other good options are MARTA, Uber, Lyft, biking, carpooling etc.  Otherwise, if at all possible, park in the Thankful Baptist Church parking lot.  If you have mobility issues, please let our lot attendant or our police officer know at the back of the lot (marked in blue) and we can let you in the back of the lot if there are still handicap spots available.  If you park in the neighborhood, please observe all parking laws and signs.

*Make sure to check in at the welcome booth – Marked with a * – There is no admission, and all are welcome, but we need to have an accurate count.  Make sure to get an armband 🙂

* Issues – If you notice any issues, please let us know and, if possible, help us out by working to problem solve.

* Photos – Make sure to be respectful of people’s wish to not be photographed or filmed. Ask before taking someone’s picture

*Food and Drinks – Are located inside the building, as are Restrooms

*Requests for Quiet Spaces – Please be respectful of all presenters and performers by not making excessive noise during rituals, classes, or performances.  Please silence your phone when in the entertainment room, classroom, or ritual.  If you must have a full volume conversation or answer your phone, please step out of the are to do so.

*Have Fun – We hope you have a great time.

Blessings, Lady Arden









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Hello all,

I wanted to take a moment to address some conversations and questions that have come up about the Atlanta PPD being on the same date as Augusta PPD. While it had not been the plan for that to be the case, it is true that we are on the same date. While our events are not that close, about 2.5 hours apart, I know that there are a few people and vendors who like to attend both. To those who are affected by this, I am sorry that you will not be able to do both this year. I would absolutely encourage those who live near or around the Augusta area, or even for those who might want to go see the area, to go to the Augusta PPD and check it out. It sounds like it will be a fantastic day in a lovely setting.

I have been in contact with the Augusta coordinator and, while it is not the ideal situation and not what either of us had wished for, we both understand how it happened and have weighed the options and have agreed that for this year we need to share the date. One of the most important things about PPD in this area is that people who want or need a place to go, have a place to go. For some, Pagan Pride Day is the first or only way they have been able to reach out and connect with other like-minded folks. While for many attendees, PPD is a great way to show your pagan pride and to meet up with like-minded friends, I can’t tell you how many people who have told me about isolated they felt until they built up the courage to go to their first PPD.

While I wish that everyone could, and would, go to all of the local events, my bigger hope is that those who want or need it can find at least one event which is close enough to them to attend.  It is also my hope that anyone who feels affected by this can accept that this was not ill intended by anyone, but it has brought to light some things that need to be modified in our process moving forward.  Be assured that we are working on ways to avoid being on the same date next year.

Lady Arden

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After a lot of hurdles, some personal and some external and out of our control, we finally have a date.  This year’s Atlanta PPD will be on September 30, 2017.  Information on classes and vendors will be sent out as soon as possible.  Blessings – Lady Arden


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Hello lovely folks!  We are looking forward to a great day this Saturday!

Parking, for those who are able bodied, will be across the tracks at the Friendship Baptist Church. We will have some handicap accessible spots just past the vendors in the Friend’s Meeting House parking lot.

What can you do at Atlanta Pagan Pride 2016?:

  • You can attend a Harvest Ritual put on by Myst of the Wildwood
  • You can attend a Children’s Ritual put on by Willow Dragonstone Community
  • You can stop by the Welcome booth to be counted as part of our yearly Atlanta Pagan Community count
  • You can bring cans to share the harvest as part of our Pagan Food Drive for the Atlanta Community Food Bank
  • You can celebrate 40 year anniversary of the Ravenwood Church
  • You can attend one of our class or discussion sessions scheduled throughout the day
  • You can get a reading from a tarot, feather shaman or a medium (4 Reading tables)
  • Grab some lunch at the Unicorn Cafe
  • Shop with our 42 vendors located out front, on the side patio, and throughout the building.  Come in to see them all! The lot and the building is FULL of vendors, readers, and informational booths for your shopping pleasure.
  • See a performance by one of our 3 performers: Spiral Rhythm (Wonderful Pagan Music) Awalim & Lotus Seeds (Tribal Bellydance performance by members of Awalim and Lotus Seeds, teen and pre-teen dancers) and Shanti Price and Friends (Performing inspired music of the spirit, and joined by friends from her musical community)
  • At 9AM we will put out a call to stop all you are doing and join us for a morning Om, to set the space for the day.  Come early and stay all day!

2016-scheduleCheck out our website for further details



Lady Arden



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Are you willing and able to help us this year?  If so, please sign up to be a volunteer.  We have many large and small tasks to complete to be able to provide this day for the pagan community. Sign up here:

Some of our largest needs include:

***Friday Evening set up:  We need about 10 – 20 folks to help move chairs and tables out of the sanctuary and position them around to where they need to go and to take pictures then move furniture out of the way in the classrooms.  We have 1.5 hours to get furniture moved and set up and then we can let the inside vendors start unloading to reduce the AM vendor traffic.

***Saturday Morning set up: We need around 10 early risers who are willing to help vendors unload their vehicles quickly so that they can move their vehicles out and let the next group unload. We also need assistance setting up the PPD welcome booth, putting PPD parking signs out on the route to the parking lot so that they are visible from the street, setting out the handicap parking signs in the lot, etc.

***Saturday Pack Up: We need around 10-20 folks who are willing to stay till the end to help get everything packed up, moved out, and put back the way we found it.  Food barrels will need to be brought in, floors vacuumed, chairs moved back and arranged, PPD welcome tent taken down, packed up and loaded into vehicles, etc.

***Parking Directors: We really need assistance all day long with directing able individuals to the lot across the street, and assisting those who need handicap access spots to any available spots in the lot.  This is always a big need because parking is a little tricky and we need to make it as simple for visitors as possible.  Any folks who would like to assist with anything to make parking easier, such as making signs, is also welcome.

We have other smaller needs as well.  If you are able and willing, please sign up:


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This year’s vendor and informational booth application is live and available on the Atlanta Pagan Pride Day website.  If you are interested, place an application.

2016 Vending Application

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Hello all,

I am happy to announce that we officially have a date for Atlanta Pagan Pride Day 2016!  Saturday October 15, 2016 at the Atlanta Friends Meeting.  I hope to see you there!

More details will be forthcoming as soon as they are available, including vending registration and class proposal information.  I appreciate your patients with this.  This year I ran into some pretty significant hiccups and challenges, both in planing the event details in the personal arena.  Since I ran into some snags with the planning, I was not able to utilize time this spring, which I had reserved for planning and getting info together to share with the public.  Because of that, and because this is one of my busiest times at work I do not have all of the updates and registration forms ready to go out by email or up on the website.

Since most of the inquiries I have had are about vending, because that does require advanced planning, here is the information which I have:  I plan to get the vending applications up in about one month (End of May, beginning of June).  For planning purposes, please know that I plan to keep the registration details, price etc., the same as for last year’s event.  As soon as the information is together, I will be sending out email notifications to all of the vendors from last year with a quick link to go straight to the registration page, and then will be posting an application publicly to the website and facebook shortly after that time.

APPD 2016 Date

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Program 2015_Page_1 Vendor Map

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We are so close I can taste it! Atlanta PPD is this Saturday (24th) and we are predicting wonderful weather, amazing entertainers and class presenters, a fantastic collaborative ritual, dazzling vendors, tasty treats and lots, and lots of good people to meet!

A few things to remember:
Remember cans for the Atlanta food bank, Pet food also accepted.

Marta is Smarta, carpooling is great, and please park at the Thankful Baptist Church lot across the street if you are not movement impaired or otherwise in dire need of a nearer spot. Our parking is limited and so your parking consideration could allow someone to participate who otherwise might not be able to. We will have some signs directing you to the Thankful BC lot. Remember that the entrance nearest the meeting house will be blocked, even for handicap parking traffic. those who need handicap or near parking, please enter and exit at the far end of the lot, or follow our signs for street parking. We have a parking permit variance from the city.

I look forward to seeing you!

Lady Arden

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Okay, so we reserve the right to make some adjustments, but here is the schedule of the main events for Atlanta Pagan Pride Day 2015.  Also, please keep in mind that some details are will be coming out through the week.  We are working on adding in a few small kid friendly activities.  We will also be sharing more information about the ritual this week, as a teaser I will say that there will be diverse components coming together in this year’s harvest celebration.

Screen Shot 2015-10-18 at 6.13.12 PM

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