Atlanta PPD will be collaborating with Athens PPD, to co-host a Virtual Georgia PPD event on October 24-25.


The Schedule is Live

The Schedule is Live!!! You will be able to participate in GA PPD in multiple ways. The main stream will be on our YouTube Chanel, questions and chat will be open on the stream. The virtual Market and Town Square

Virtual Georgia Collaborative PPD

Save the Date We are very happy to announce that Atlanta PPD will be collaborating with Athens PPD to co-host a Virtual Georgia Collaborative Pagan Pride event on October 24-25. More details will follow, but we hope to offer participants

2020 – Going Virtual

Hello lovely folks from Atlanta and beyond! We are brewing up plans for a 2020 virtual event to celebrate PPD. Plans are still being worked out, so there will be updates to come. We have also reached out to some